I was raised with conflicting views, on the one hand I was raised by an open, loving man who sought the best in people. It has led me to live my life without strangers. Everyone is a potential person in my life,one way or the other. I will talk to strangers in line, shopping, class...well the list could go on and on. During the same period of life I was raised to know that life could change at a moments notice and that people would turn against me if only for my cultural background. I was protected both physically and emotionally from the possible pain that could happen. I grew up in a time where prejudice against anyone who was different existed. And so I was placed in a educationally protected environment, not allowed to join certain clubs and associated with "safe" people. With all of this protection the world still creeps in and so I experienced overt racial prejudice, but in my life time I have reached a place where a person of color is President.
It is with these changes of events that I am going to try and move my safety net a little further out. For me this is huge, in that I have over a life time created scenarios in my head for every event and that consumes too much time. Even little things...if a trust issue over a small event has occurred I can move it to the top of my "be careful of this person" list. I have little tolerance for humans who I don't trust, when in fact they are just being humans and sometimes mistakes happen and grace is needed on both sides.
Sure there will still be emotionally dangerous people who I will continue to sail around which is what sailors do...they sail around the storm but enjoy the ocean.
Update BB: Actually there is no update...I am still trying to figure it out.
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5 years ago