Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Putting It In Perspective

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve
Love is a powerful force and because of it...on Christmas Eve...I am going to be sitting in a theater...watching...with a bag of popcorn...TRUE GRIT...by the Cohen Brothers! Ahhh, I am such a sucka for love!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Howling at the Moon

The issue was I had no idea where the moon was...I couldn't see the eclipse from any of the windows! So I went back to bed. Early the next morning Greg asked how his Galileo was and I told him of my frustration at not being able to find the moon. He asked what time was it when I was dashing around? Midnight. He pointed straight up. The moon was directly overhead and wouldn't be viewable from our windows.
The most wonderful thing is being in love with someone who can tell you where your moon is....
Friday, December 17, 2010
OHHHH The Future

I don't know...I am so enjoying the present that why get worked up about the future??? The mantra of questions I hear all around me are...What If? Do You Think That Could Happen? It Feels Scary, what do you think is going to happen? What will we do???
My answer...I don't know, let me whip out my crystal ball! What I can do is live fully in the present. Make choices in my life that are fulfilling, kind, stimulating, honest...and you know what...if I do that, pretty much the future most likely will be good. What can I say, I'm a cup half full kind of gal who occasionally likes to stick her head in a nice warm beach full of sand.
John Kennedy may be right and I have often said it myself, "Change is the only thing you can count on." But it is coming whether I worry about it or not and if I live the present fully...the future is mine.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
One Of The Seven Deadly Sins

Envy, one of the seven deadly sins. I avoid envy because she is a trickster. When you let Envy creep into your heart you begin to evaluate your own life through filtered glasses. That old saying that the grass looks greener on the other side...well, green with envy can lead you down a path of decisions that are not in your best interest.
Poor Bernie Madoff, nobody would sympathize with him now...but many envied him 5 years ago. On top of the world (with other people's money) he looked like the symbol of financially and familial success and was envied by many. Now he sits in prison, his son has committed suicide and his grandchildren are possbily working on having their last names changed so as to not be associated with him.
Envy has a way of putting blinders on your sight...you only see the surface which looks sooooo good but envy does not allow you to see below that surface.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Making New Traditions

Thursday, December 2, 2010
One Pet Per House!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I was almost asleep last night when the word "Pause" entered my brain. It bounced around in there and then as I started looking at it and thinking about it I came to believe that it may be the most important word in our dictionary today! Just think if that guy who pressed the "fire missile" button in North Korea had just paused for a second and really thought about the repercussions.