I ended my last blog on a sweet moment memory. I decided today to try and list as many sweet moments I could remember in my life. It seems life brings many cup half empty moments and we have to try and push those aside and embrace the cup half full moments...to keep our joyful hearts.
1. observing daily "I love You's" that my dad said to my mom
2. traveling across the US with my parents when I was 3 years old and having my first Foster Freeze ice cream cone in Hollister, Ca. almost the end of the line.
3. Playing with a giant earth ball at least 6 feet in diameter in the middle of the street, late into the warm summer night.
4. opening my lunch at school in the 4th grade and finding my mother had carved into the orange rind, "I love you."
5. my first time skiing downhill without falling
6. my second date cause he smelled like Brut
7. putting on the dress my mom made me for Prom...I was beautiful
8. a nap on the deck of my dad's sail boat
9. sailing with my dad
10. the first time I walked into Greg place and he had a sailing poster on the wall.
11. first time I rode in Greg car with the top down
12. when I said I Do
13. walking through the door of my first home
14. It's a boy!
15. The first paycheck I received as a nurse! sweet!
16. the first time I grew a vegetable
17. It's a boy!
18. on the last mile of the marathon and seeing my son running down the sidewalk yelling go mom
19. crossing the finish line and seeing my other son waiting with water and a heat blanket.
20. hearing my son say, I Do
Sure, my life has had many wonderful times and experiences. But, I think there is a benefit to remember moments in time that were pivotal. I know my list could be 10 x as long...like when Peter's band played in the Battle of the Bands, or when I watched Connor play Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof...but I will save those to bring out of my "sweet moments drawer" when I need them...for today, I feel great and it is because I took a peek at my sweet moments.