I have been noticing at my place of employment that the population has grown larger over the last year...not in numbers but in physical size. I have also added a few...well maybe more than a few, pounds myself. I think the stress that is occurring nationally, state, county, city, job, and home is pushing us to comfort ourselves with that which brings us comfort. Food, drink, shopping and TV. Well food has always been my drug of choice. The difference now is that with the lifestyle changes I have made I cannot...literally...cannot eat junk food. The result is I am eating a little more of the good stuff. Fresh veggies, fruits, cheese and breads. Same result though.
It is all a matter of choices. Although many of my fellow citizens have packed on the pounds, there is one who has actually lost weight. When I asked her about it she said that she is following a program where you eat their pre-made foods. I am green with envy and I applaud her success but I need choices. I know myself. If I could even get myself to eat regular meals of processed food (no way) as soon as I had to started making my own choices again I would be in trouble.
I am a choice kind of personality. I need to feel in control of my life. I need to always know that the way my life exists is totally because of my own decisions. I guess that is why I am challenged right now, because so much in my work life seems to be chosen for me. I find ways to pull the power back. I volunteer for committees or projects that make my work life and that of my coworkers better. So it comes down to making the choices on what is good for my body.
I know it is screaming at me to make the right choices cause it doesn't want to suffer when my emotional brain really wants those chocolate malt balls. I guess that is why I went to the gym this morning.
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5 years ago